* Look at Sonya's face. Yikes that looks like it hurts !!!
So it has been a week since my last post. Not much to report. Last week I had a crappy week of training running all of 4 days in getting in a big 40 miles. I had Lot's going on at home so it made for a crappy week of running. It was topped off with a crappy race at the Human race 8k. Man I just was not into it in my mind at all. This a big thing I need to work on very soon. I just shut it down after the mile mark. I had figured I would just wait up for Sonya and run it in with her but after she did not catch up with me till 3 miles I knew something was wrong. Let's just say her whole right side abdomen just cramped up in a big big way. Not the best way to run a 5 mile race I would say. I think we ended up like 31:14 and 31:20ish. It was not a time I was very happy with since I left like I was in 28 minish pace shape. On a bright note the 6:14 mile pace felt real easy so that was good. I was to bad the race happen like this since on two of the few runs I did the week of the race where two good workouts. It was super nice to warm up with Paul, Pat, and Sonya !!! I did have a nice cool down with Sonya, Paul, and Steve as well.
This week is off to a much better start. I have run every day and I have been getting in 9+ miles each day. I even had a good 10x 45 sec steep hill workout today. It went real well. I hope to hit a 20 miler this weekend as well.
On a Super good note my little brother Kraig and his wife had there first baby on Monday morning. Little Lucy Decker came into the world at 8:35am Monday !!!! Plus my Mom is 60 today. Happy birthday Mom !!!
pass on a "happy birthday" to you mom from me bro. i love reading about your journey - it is fun to share the training over the miles.
Tell your mom happy birthday from me too! She totally doesn't look 60!
You had a bad week - it's in the past. Don't go trying to make up for it; you probably needed an easy week.
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