** I love this picture of Evan and his crazy dog Finny.
Well the first 3 days of this week have been different. Coming off such a good weekend of running I had the hardest time on my run Monday morning. I had a few hours before I had to be at work after dropping Summer off at school. With that time I thought I would kill a hour or so at Hyland. Man the first 15 minuets was great then it came to a quick stop. I am not sure what happen but it was like I was a plug in machine and the power plug gets pulled from the wall. All I could do was walk. As I walked I tried to think about what I did. Now one thing might be the fact that I was coming off my longest run by like a hour the day before in my post Leadville life. The other I thought was the fact I had my huge coffee while driving Summer to school. Either way it was very tuff. I ended up being able to run part of the way back to get in a big old 4 miles.
Tuesday was a much better day. Not only do I get to spend time with Sonya in the morning these days since she is off work this day every week. But we get to normally run together. We went out with Evan pushing the jogger around the lakes and parkway. What a difference a day makes. I felt super good. I also was running for the second time in my new Newton shoes. They are great !!! I think all said in done I got in like a solid 7 miles in 52 min's. I was so happy with things since I felt so much better.
Wednesday was also a great day. I went to French Park and ran my normal hilly 6 mile loop. I was very strong on the uphills and got up to 6:10 pace on a few flats where I tried to open it up some and see how I felt. I knew I was running fast but was excited that it felt so easy. Now if I can keep this up a few more days till my long run on Sunday with Paul. I think we are doing like 3+ hours. Should be a good test to see what I race next. As of now I am leaning toward the new Surf the Murph 50k on Nov 1st. That will give me a extra week over Fall 50 miler and the North Face 50 miler. That seems like the best option since it is so close to home.
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