Sunday, October 12, 2008

Week in Review

So I thought I would do a little week in review from last week. Overall it was a good week. I had a few real good runs. I have been feeling pretty solid overall with most of my runs feeling at a solid pace. Other than that not much to report.

Monday 10/6- Ran from home before work. I ran in the Newtons and boy did I feel fast. Maybe it was just good to get out. 5 miles

Tuesday 10/7- Ran after work down by the lakes and up the parkway. Once more felt good/ easy and fast. I wear my heart monitor everyday so I do not over do it. I kept it at like 140 bpm for most of the run. I like to keep it around that most days. I think I will go in the winter and have my MAX Vo2 and such tested. That is something Paul and I have been talking about both doing. Towards the end of the run I did a quick stop by Kyra's soccer game. Go Kenny Park !!! 8 miles

Wednesday 10/8- Ran before work out at Hyland. I felt real good and the weather was great. Fall running is so great !!! I wanted to run the hills hard and felt like I did that. Solid loop. 9 miles

Thursday 10/9- I got out after Evan's daycare pot luck dinner. It was great to see all the kids and parents from St John's and have some food. Evan liked showing us more of his friends. Plus the book fair was big for him. I did Nick and my tangeltown hill loop. I was doing good on the climbs !! 8 miles

Friday 10/10- Ran in the morning with Sonya and Evan. It was a nice and easy loop around Lake Harriet. 5 miles

Saturday 10/11- Ran before work from home. Did the normal lakes loop. I felt pretty good. Saw Katie McGreggor and some other Team USA gal's out on their run. 7 miles

Sunday 10/12- I met Paul out at Hyland for a early 6am start time run. We got in a good 9 miles + loop before Sonya hooked up with us. From there we did one more loop for a solid 18-19 miles day. I felt very good. It was great to run with Paul and Sonya !! After the run we went to a special memorial spin class for Sonya's mom. Man two hours of spinning after that run was tuff. I was very cashed out the rest of the day. 18+ miles running & 2 hours of spinning for the day.

Week totals where pretty good= 62 miles

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