Well today I was able to get into Dr. Taube at Edina sports, health and wellness and low and behold my fear was found to be true. I have a sports hernia !!!! I have been having issues with this for awhile. It was like 2 years ago that I first thought it could be a hernia but because it was not super painful I just worked with it. Then this last year we thought it might be the posas muscle. I did all the things one would do for that type of injury. But it seemed to have gotten worse after City of Lakes 25k. Then after TCM it was real bad. Now I know why. Surgery time I guess !!!!
I am torn about this because I was looking forward to doing some more races after such a crapy Twin Cites marathon, but on the other hand I am looking forward to not dealing with this pain in the future. Plus as I look back at many races such as last falls USA 24 hour championships I remember my mid section was just killing me. I just figured my legs where trashed and this was a side affect. Now I guess I know it could have been something different. Dr Taube was saying that some people like myself can run with this for a long time before it goes bad, others have it happen real fast. Seems like I have know of, and heard of so many people having this done as of late. Woo hoo I am part of the club now.
is there something in the water down south or what??? this is the third person I have known getting the surgery...best of luck man. you should hurry and then you can join PR and cross train together.
Hey Kurt - I'm with you man! I'm going to see Dr. Pierce (the same guy that did Patrick's surgery) about what I think is a sports hernia as well. It's time for me to get this fixed. Like you, I've been dealing with this for some time and I want to finally take care of it. Best of luck to you, and I hope your crotch will be fixed for good!
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